What are the best padel balls?

What are the best padel balls?

There are few sensations as pleasurable as opening a can of balls. The sound of depressurization, the unmistakable smell and the hit of the...
Tips to reverse a bad day on the padel court

What to do when you can’t get anything going in a...

Are you having a bad day and nothing you try is working? The first thing to keep in mind is that during a padel...
What can you do to avoid making so many mistakes in padel?

What can you do to avoid making so many mistakes in...

Surely, more than once you have despaired playing padel because of so many mistakes that you accumulate during a match. It's possible that, if...
How to defend a left-handed player

How to defend a left-handed player in padel? 3 tips to...

Surely many times you have found yourself in the situation of having to defend a left-handed player (if not, it will be). It is...
How to avoid the fridge? Tips and advice to solve this situation

How to avoid the “fridge”? Tips and advice on how to...

In this article, we're going to look at how to avoid the fridge to get you back in the game. If you don't know...
When to invade your partner's side of the court in a padel match

When to invade your partner’s side of the court in a...

Surely on more than one occasion you have got into an argument with your partner in the middle of a padel match after he...
Play with walls in a padel match: When should we do it?

When to play with walls in a padel match

Despite the many similarities with tennis, the distinguishing feature of padel is the limits of the court, marked by concrete or glass walls. This...
The complete guide to choose a new padel court

The complete guide to choose a new padel court

The idea of investing in padel by installing new courts in one's own sports center or opening a padel club tantalizes more and more...